Achievement Challenges & Portfolios

Achievement Challenges

Kāhui Ako Portfolios

Portfolio rationale

Cultural Competencies

A highly functioning Kāhui Ako will foster cultural awareness and be responsive to our community, engaging ākonga, kaimahi and whānau. 

Aotearoa Histories and Te Reo Māori

Connect learners and their community through authentic, relevant experiences 

Form an across-sector collaborative SIT or SAT to support aspects of the Achievement Challenges

Wellbeing Practices

Strengthen community wellbeing for ākonga & pouako across the Te Kāhui Ako o Pupuke through support in strategic planning, explicit programmes, and cross school sharing in order for Kura to incorporate wellbeing practices into the culture and curriculum of schools. 

Local Curriculum and Coherent Pathways

Empower our students to become both independent and interdependent self-regulating, agile learners 

Community Connections

Strengthen community links that can utilise its potential to grow our young people as they find meaningful connections in this ever-changing world. 

Connect learners and their community through authentic, relevant experiences.